For those of you who have been following me for some time you will have noticed that I have launched a new online health and wellness platform – The Orange –
I want to share my story of why I started this company and for you to share in some of my enthusiasm.
At 40 I realized I personally did not believe that I had achieved much or been recognized for what the last 40 years had been to me. I decided to change that and set a goal to climb Kilimanjaro. With my friend Des we achieved this and I then realized if I put my mind to something I could do it.
At 46 I decided I no longer wanted to be a partner in a business I wanted to work for myself and put everything I earned back into my family. Gerrit, my lifetime financial consultant from Ultima helped me do this and ensures I stay on track to have a financially healthy retirement.
The new business I wanted to start was The Orange because coming from a fraud and Investigations Company I had seen what health was and what ill health created. Ill health could come from being unwell in the areas of:
• Finance
• Nutrition
• Self confidence
• Physical Wellness
• And other areas of life.
At this point I was fortunate that the small business I owned, iFacts, was growing rapidly with the help of amazing staff and it was paying the bills. Naturally this was where my focus went but in 2016 I realized something was missing and nobody could feed that to me I had to feed myself.
I embarked on a legacy development course with Lynda of 50-Plus Skills and thought it may have been a little crazy when I did my first vision board in many years. This still hangs proudly above my desk and was the starting point of major things to shift in my life.
The issues I knew I had to deal with were:
• Stimulation and personal growth to create a new revenue stream
• Moving into the area of natural healing – I had done aromatherapy and reflexology long before I was married
• Giving back to the world as much as I possibly could
• Loving the crazy but fulfilling life I lived
Over the next 12 months I went on to:
• Become a Master NLP Coach
• Become a Banting Coach
• Become a Retirement Coach
• Develop The Orange online platform
I then realized the idea I had in 2009 could be revisited and thanks to our wonderful IT programmer we updated The Orange site and it has become totally integrated and I have partnered with some amazing people. Together I believe we can make this business a huge success, help people to develop themselves in various ways that mean something to them and give back to this beautiful world we live in.
During the next few weeks I am going to share ideas of the various segments of the Orange with you in my blogs.
Please let me know what area you would be most interested in hearing about.