Online Heirloom File

It seems a bit morbid planning for what happens when you head to the great beyond. However, some well-considered organising while you’re alive will give you peace of mind and allow you to leave happy memories for your loved ones.

At this stage we would suggest you keep a physical file and share the details of the whereabouts of this file with at least one loved one.

What is an Heirloom File?

Grieving is tough. Grieving while having to search for missing paper work and insurance policies is hell. The biggest favour you can do for your family is to be organised. An emergency/death file includes:

Emergency Contact Numbers
Personal Identity Documents/Information
Bank Accounts
Employment Details
Debtor Accounts
Dependent Details
Medical Aid/Insurance
Physical Property
Life Insurance/Endowment/Annuity Policies
Funeral Plan

Registration of file: R500
Hosting (per annum): R500

Click here to register with The Orange to access your online heirloom file.