The Orange is thrilled to announce an official partnership with Performance Booster, and we have launched the online Performance Booster tool that not only enables you to audit your life and look at your strengths and those which can be improved but also creates opportunities for growth.
In addition Performance Booster is offering a 12 week online programme that will guide you into the “new normal” and help you make sense of how you emerge from the COVID lockdown in 2020. Lockdown was much more than being locked in our homes with opportunities to cook and bake and catch up with long overdue arts and crafts projects. Lockdown infiltrated our lives in far more subtle ways. For those introverts who found themselves blissfully cocooned and in no hurry to confront the big world out there again to the extroverts who simply craved a hug and a glass of wine with friends, very few people were completely untouched and unaffected in one way or another.
Even when we know we should and have to and really, really want to change, we often don’t have the right tools. Sometimes we are afraid to make this commitment to ourselves and really don’t know how we will keep ourselves accountable. COOC (Coming Out Of COVID) is designed to provide you with the tools, support you, hold you accountable to your commitment, gently guiding you step by step towards your own, personal picture of success.
Contact us for a detailed proposal to conduct your own personal COOC (Coming Out Of COVID) programme or a group of COOCs (Coming Out Of COVID) for your team.