Make uncertainties more certain at The Orange.
Nothing is certain, but death and taxes! Two topics no one ever likes to think about, But about as certain as it gets.
The loss of a loved one is unthinkable and devastating, so devastating in fact, that it can have an overwhelming impact on family members.
Grief and exhaustion can impact a person’s ability to think clearly, and make important decisions seem impossible.
Be it a sudden or anticipated death, the grief and pain does not need to be any more unthinkable due to the shock of sudden expenses that are left behind.
While no one wants to think about their own demise, you don’t want to leave your family members with even more shocking news.
You can avoid this extra headache for your family by making the necessary arrangements ahead of time.
Things you need to consider are the cost of a funeral, identity documents and insurance policies to name but a fair few. Ignoring these may leave your family believing that they face financial ruin. Many people don’t know that it is illegal to withhold funeral insurance money should someone in your family pass away.
But if you have been a responsible person, you can make this process much easier on your family.
At The Orange, we’ve given this careful consideration and provided a service which can make their lives practically easier.
The Heirloom saves all your details and documents should you pass away and provides someone in your family with access to this.
This service is also invaluable should you be seriously injured, or in a hospital, and unable to work or even communicate.
What is an Heirloom File?
An emergency or death file that includes:
- Emergency Contact Numbers
- Personal Identity Documents
- Bank Accounts
- Employment Details
- Debtor Accounts
- Dependent Details
- Will
- Medical Aid/Insurance
- Tax
- Physical Property
- Investments
- Life Insurance/Endowment/Annuity Policies
- Funeral Plan
Click here to read more or to register for the Heirloom file.